Friday, January 1, 2010

1 January 2010

There is something exhilarating about the first day of a new year, an opportunity to begin anew, fresh and clean. I began my day and year with a 45 minute walk in the woods, concentrating on the smells and visual delights along the way, being mindful of the present. There is a buddhist chant I said every morning for 5 years as I walked to the bus-stop when I lived and worked in Seattle: I breathe in, I am aware of my heart. I breathe out, I smile to my heart. I vow to eat, work and play in ways that will be beneficial to my health and well-being.

I found it interesting that this thought returned to me this morning. I prefer the positive approach for change over the negative list of I won't do this or that in the coming year. If I can truly eat, work and play in ways that are beneficial to my health and well-being, I think that just about sums it up.

My sister wrote on her blog this morning that January is named after the Roman God Janus who has 2 faces. One looking ahead, and the other looking back. A perfect symbol for January as we reflect on the past year and look forward to the new. The past six months have been an intense reflection period for me and I am now choosing to look forward, hopefully with clarity and forever being mindful of today.

A very Happy New Year to each and every one of you!


Connie Dooley said...

I like the idea of intentions vs. resolutions. "I'm doing this for this reason" instead of "I won't do this period." And a new year, like a clean sheet of paper, just waits for us to fill in the spaces with our own colors. I'm thinking this will be a vibrant year. Happy New Year.

Sarah in Disturbia said...

Happy New Year. I like your chant. I think I'll use it! Lots of love!

BEARD said...

To bad you didn't party... Square!

Megan said...

That sounds like a really wonderful way to start your new year (and new decade!). It's nice to know we're celebrating the same milestone even on different sides of the globe.

Connie Dooley said...

I just finished two days of my calligraphy class and have several projects due in March. I think I'll do that chant for my text.

Anonymous said...

Well, I think you need to update your bloogie. Sounds like a excuse to get yesterday off your chest...