Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A new do for the holidays


I went to the hair dresser yesterday for some help in letting my hair grow out and also asked for highlights. I was quite taken back when I got home and realized I had blonde hair. She also straightened it for me and I looked like a completely different person. Of course when I got up this morning, the waves had returned. It actually looks better than this picture, but its really hard to take a picture of yourself.

Just wanted to share my new do!
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BEARD said...

Thats barely blonde! It looks good, you had nothing to worry about.

Connie Dooley said...

Why are you wanting to let it grow out? It looks so good short. And, I agree with Austen. Doesn't look blonde at all. Maybe it's the lighting. Looks good though.

Megan said...

What a great look for you! You're gorgeous.

Unknown said...

I'm with Megan and Austen and Connie, you are gorgeous, it does not look very blonde and I think it looks great. Much better than the dreaded Amber used to come up with.

Sarah in Disturbia said...

looks great!!

Jennifer said...

thankyou. thankyouverymucsh...