Sunday, August 9, 2009


My apartment is so quiet. I had a visitor the last few days, a friend from OK, Jack Clancy. It was so nice really, coming into the apartment after a day of work, saying loudly "honey, I"m home!" and to be greeted with an enthusiastic kiss on the forehead. I love Jack. Jack is 75 years old, has never married, is a retired American Airline engineer, absolutely brilliant and enigmatic, a world traveler and a friend. He spent quite a bit of time trying to teach me how to convert celcius to farenheit but his formula had 8 or 9 steps and I just couldn't retain all that information. I need maybe a 3 step process. I knew one once, Larry taught me, but now I can't remember it. Jack and I enjoyed his world famous marg'retas on the balcony and watched people with their dogs, my well known salmon on the grill, conversation and quiet. You know you are with a friend when quiet is peaceful.

I drove Jack to Frankfurt airport yesterday morning and stopped by the city Meinz which is on the Rhine river. I had a nice long walk along the river and marveled at the width and beauty of the Rhine, had coffee on the sidewalk and thought of friendship. I reached in my pocket of a jacket I hadn't worn for a while and felt my HopeStone. A gift from a friend with glioblastoma, Joyce.

I carry that stone with me, and I carry friends with me. I feel so fortunate to have lived in Oklahoma the last 5 years because that is where I met Jack, and Joyce, and many others I have with me in Germany. And I'm glad I lived in Seattle where I met Carol and Patty and a few others. My sister once told me I have no hobby except people. I'm also glad I was born to Paul and Lorene McAlister because that gave me Connie as a sister.

Life is an interesting journey. I'm loving it. But I think I should try and develop another hobby in addition to my people one. I start German classes in 2 weeks, a have a box of broken dishes that I may try to turn into art, and I will start reading again. I need to take a computer class and learn how to transfer my photos to my blog! There is so much I need to do.....and I want all of you to come along with me.



Connie Dooley said...

Today in church, Marlin said if you're going to love only perfect people, you're going to be lonely. I thought of you and how you always have time for people, their problems, how you embrace their imperfections as beauty, how safe that makes people feel with you. I'm happy to have you as a sister, but even more happy to be able to call you a friend.

jennifer said...

Well. That just made me cry. I'm not talking about wet eyes, I'm talking about tears. I love you so much, my friend, my seester.

Unknown said...

hey there the best thing to come from SCH was my friendship with you. See you in May friend for life.