Wednesday, May 20, 2009

and on the 7th day she will rest

This is my 6th day in Germany and it started out to be a good one indeed. I am still at the Hotel Europa and went down for breakfast at 6am. I have been in the habit of having lox, cream cheese, maybe an egg and fresh fruit. This morning I had a nervous stomach because I was preparing to take the test for my driver's license so I had granola, fresh strawberries and cream. Coffee of course. Michelle is the woman who prepares breakfast and every morning she addresses me by name and smiles as she brings me not a cup of coffee, but rather a pot of coffee in a silver carafe.

I had opened my book for one last look at german road signs when 15 young female soccer players walked in, hair unkempt, sleep in their eyes, uniforms on, shin guards in place over long naked legs. They head straight for the bagels, commenting to one another they needed carbs. It was a team from England, here for the European HS tournament and the uniforms were dark British green, exactly the uniform Megan wore when she played for Emerald City Select. I looked for number 6 and finally remembered her jersey had been retired and she is now among the yellow flowers in Aunt Connies garden. I think I must have looked awfully silly to these girls (and hopefully not looking like a pedophile) but I couldn't take my eyes off them, neither could I hide the smile nor the lump in my throat.

The test was difficult, 100 questions and 25 specific match questions to road signs. I've never liked "matched" questions but that is neither here nor there, because I get to experience it again next Friday. My score of 83% was 2 points shy of walking out of there with an International Driver License. I had hoped to be able to put one thing more concern. Didn't happen.

Next on my list of accomplishments was to be signed off by Occupational Health after dropping by the immunization office and showing proudly the list of shots I received prior to coming to Germany. "Why did they not give you Hep A immunization? or a Polio booster vaccine? and 1 Hep B booster is not enough for 100% protection once the immune system has such a low titre reading." 3 shots later, I walked out without having my signature sheet signed and have to return in 1 month for completion. Another thing that is not more concern. It didn't happen.

But, what did happen is I got full protection from all those horrible diseases that could disable me and ruin my experience in Germany. And, I have no right to be on the road if I can't read the road signs. And, I'm off to watch the girls soccer team play right now, as they are playing down the street. I don't know their name but I hope the Green Team wins.

Life is good, and it is not finished.

Chow for now.


Connie Dooley said...

So, do you know which signs you missed? That would drive (no pun) me crazy, not knowing. I googled the signs -- there's a lot! Get busy. No more wine for you.

Connie Dooley said...

p.s. Unless you're going for dinner, it's "ciao"

Jennifer said...

I tried to copy Larry's chow comment from an email but I'm not able to do so. He sent the entire history of the word. You know, you just have to put yourself out there and the world opens up to you :-) ciao.

Laurel said...


I feel pretty bad about the fact that I learned more about you in 10 minutes by reading your blog posts than I knew about you after living right next door to you for several years. I'm a terrible neighbor, and I admit it! Clay gave me the URL for your blog today when I saw him in the driveway. I haven't seen him for weeks, either. I'm just never home any more. Anyway, I'm so glad that you're having a great experience in Germany, and I admire your bravery. Good for you! I intend to keep reading your blog, which I find fascinating. Best of luck in your new endeavors.

Laurel (the stranger next door).

Jennifer said...

Laurel, thanks for commenting. Bad neighbors go both ways you know! It is too bad we didn't have more conversations, but we can stay connected in a virtual sort of way. Glad you are enjoying the blog. JB

Unknown said...

ohmygod this is so great, almost but not as good as a long phone call. Keep writing just as you are. I feel like I am there. I know you had no doubts and neither did I but it is so good to hear that you are in exactly the right place, exactly the right job and finally appreciated for all your wonderful skills. I have to say that this makes me really miss you and Germany does seem so far away. But that $2000 is just sitting in that CD account collecting interest (very little) waiting for a plane ticket to be purchased. I'm going on and on, better write an email instead.

Unknown said...

one more thing, I love knowing the temperature there. Why are we so obsessed with weather?